
This page touches on how my yoga practice developed, what yoga is to me and what I hope to offer and share with you.

With gratitude,


  • I went to my first yoga class when I was 14 years old, in hope that through cultivating a yoga practice I would be able to develop a healthier relationship with myself and a deeper understanding of the mind and body. It truly has done and continues to do exactly this, and my practice continues to guide me across all aspects of my life. It is a practice for everyone and anyone at anytime and place simply through the breath.

    The yoga mat is a mirror, that enables you to explore your mind and body with loving awareness and curiosity. The practice and embodiment of yoga is simply an energy management system.

    I invite you to join me on this journey of exploring all the beautiful benefits that this practice has to offer.

    • 200hr RYT completed with Four Directions School of Yoga. Montezuma, Costa Rica. 21/07/2023

    • 50hr Rocket RYT completed with Kindred School of Yoga. 09/08/2024

  • Inge is a Vinyasa and Rocket yoga teacher and Psychology student in London, originally from Cape Town, South Africa.

    She is greatly passionate about the interconnected nature between the mind and body and believes that through yoga our awareness of this connection only grows. She believes that this awareness is the first step to improving our understanding of ourselves and ultimately cultivating greater health in all aspects.

    Her classes all evolve around tapping into this awareness and exploring the mind and body through moving with the breath. She encourages you to step on your mat with curiosity and an open heart, surrendering to all that arises.

The entire yoga philosophy can be summed up in the words,

let go.”